Update 1.1

Update 1.1:

 - Rank will only start using "Fire Projectile" after turn 18 instead of turn 4.

 - Dasher's "Cure ally" will heal HP by 25%, as expected from it.

 - Fixed some spelling mistakes.

 - Decreased a certain Chameleon bosses' attack and magic stat by 20 each, and made their basic attack more likely.

 - You will be warned before you face Mandrake.

 - Bryce now very slightly decreases Andrew's MP costs.

 - Rolo now starts with a "Rusted Scythe" to inform players on their weapon type.

 - Removed the debug room from normal gameplay.

 - Decreased a Chameleon enemy's HP from 20,000 to 17,500.

 - In a certain battle room, Keys will come before Crimson in the party.

 - Creating a bypass as Noob should no longer remove stairs from Alex and vice versa.

 - A very important character's drone can no longer move stairs sideways.

 - Sleazel no longer speaks.

 - After beating the game, a Spectre appears which can change your name.

 - Added a "Cheese" item to the game.


CrazyStairsRPGWindows.zip 79 MB
Apr 15, 2022
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Apr 15, 2022

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